
Improve Your life

Level 1

The exercises in this level originated from the body of work taught by Romana Kryzanowska to Sabrina Vaz. This series was coined the “Wake Up” series and the “Television Series” because they were gentle enough to do in the morning when you first wake or while watching TV in the evening. Initially, they were designed to be taught as homework for clients of Mr. Pilates. Now we have modified these exercises specifically for the Ehlers-Danlos patient as an introduction to the method.

Level 2

The exercises in this series build on the previous level adding to the client’s tools to help stabilize and strengthen the hypermobile body. In addition, the work presented in this series aids in preparation of the individual to perform the more traditional exercises within the body of work originally known as Contrology.

Level 3

This level is designed for the patient with an understanding of the principles of Pilates along with an awareness of their own postural issues that need to be addressed. Classical Pilates exercises are introduced with the aid of props and modifications specifically for the EDS or hypermobile body.

Level 4

This level begins a more formal introduction into the method of classical Pilates. It continues to build the repertoire, working to increase difficulty while maintaining safety.