

Sabrina Vaz has been working with people suffering from Ehlers - Danlos Syndrome long before she was diagnosed with EDS herself. Coming from a dance background Sabrina always had a passion for exercise & wellness.
After being injured she discovered Pilates at Laban Centre in London England. When she returned to the states she started training with Mary Bowen, a Pilates Elder. Through Mary’s recommendation Ms. Vaz got her first certification in Pilates with the Physical Mind Institute in Santa Fe New Mexico. Eventually Sabrina’s journey brought her to Romana Kryzanowska, a student of Joseph Pilates who inherited the Pilates Studio from Joe & Clara. Sabrina taught under Romana for 800 hours to obtain her certification and taught at the Pilates Studio at 2121 Broadway. In addition, she studied under several other Pilates Elders.
As a lifelong student she is also certified in Kundalini Yoga, a Reiki Master, Thai Body Work Practitioner along with several other exercise modalities. Ms. Vaz is also fully certified in the Gyrotonic Expansion System®after studying under the systems creator – Julio Horvath – in Austria, Germany, Italy and through-out the US.
She ran two studios on Cape Cod Massachusetts for twenty-one years before relocating to Richmond VA, where she works primarily with clients dealing with the difficulties associates with EDS. In addition, Sabrina is the author of GLOWSTICK, and is waiting for her second book, MOVING TROUGH GRIEF to go press. Find out more about her at